Sunday, June 23, 2013

Arizona and Utah :)

We are now in st George Utah!! It's about  half and hour from the Arizona Utah boarder! 

While we were in Arizona we did end up doing som really cool stuff! We went jet skiing on lake Bartlett ! Me and Rhys drove the jet ski and we got up to speeds of 100km/hr !! It was so fast that your eyes started to water , but it was so much fun !!! :) while also in Arizona on the drive to lake Powell we went into Sedona which was a beautiful town surrounded by these amazing red rocks and Indian art work little shops which amazing jewellery and pots and arrows and stuff :)  we also drove to the Grand Canyon !!;) on the way to the Grand Canyon we found Sedona beach in the middle of absolute no where ! There where hundreds of people of these red rocks with there beach tents and there sum baking  but this was really in the middle of no where !! We also saw the Grand Canyon and the photos we have just don't do it justice ! :) it was huge and beautiful and really really busy !!! 

After that we drove to lake Powell which was on the boarder of Utah and Arizona so much that mum and dad left us in Arizona while they went to Utah ! What bad parenting !! But lake Powell was beautiful and huge and camping there was amazing 

Yesterday we drove into St. George Utah !  We saw Brigham young's winter home and the oldest working temple in the world which was also huge and amazing to look at :) we are having a great time ! With lots of laughs n funny moments 

Love jazmin 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hello it's Katie

I have photos that jazmin don't have so here are some of my photos :) 

I love and miss you all we are having such a great time and are all well !

Love katie
This is in San Fran 
These are from a Lego store near Disney land 
These are all from Vegas :)

Las vegas and arizonia

So we left california and went to las vegas and now we are in arizonia !

Las Vegas was really coool we went down onto the strip a few times. We went to the M&M world and it was 4 flours of merchandise. We also went into lots of casinos mostly just to escape the heat !! Mum and dad went to a show at ceasers palace they saw celion dion :) we also as a family went to a show we went to a medieval show that was sent around king athur it had sword fighting and jousting and the food they gave us was awesome ! We each got a whole chicken and veggies
While in vegas we also went on the new york new york roller coaster which waa pretty fun !

We left vegas on friday and made our way to arizona first stopping at hoover dam which was where they filmed part of transformers! It was huge!
I got to drive from hoover dam to just outside scottsdale where we are staying :)
Now we are in arizona we havnt really done mych here we have just been chilling and relaxing :)

Sorry that i havnt posted in ages ive been busy and lazy !

Love jazmin !

Thursday, June 6, 2013

3 theme parks in 3 days !!!

So since sunday we have eaten at bubba gump!, gone to disneyland,disney adventure park,universal studios and an la tour by night !!!
Disneyland was pretty cool but california park and universal studios was sooo much better !!! We also meet up with some.fellow australians brandons family the rochesters ! We all hanged out at disneyland and california adventure together it was pretty fun !!!! Some.if the rides where super epic ! Expecially at universal studios! Today we had a rest coz we where all soo spent tomorrow we drive to las vegas we are going to be there for a week!!
I forgot to say we also went to san fran since the last time i posted ! It was pretty fun caleb and rhys got interviewed so they by be famous soon !we also so alcatraz and had hydro massages
Missing u all jazmin !!

3 states in 3 days

So we are all on our own on our way to the adventure parks :) we wwnt from portland to this little town called yureak or something in a caravab park this will be night 2 of us quishing into our van thing that is also our car
Since last time i have blogged we have gone to the museme of flight ! The emp museum (whefe we saw the princess brife actually costumes !!) and had a fire where cooked sauges at the mmcombers
I miss the people in seattle !! They where so nice and i dunno i just miss them
we have gone to walmart abd witnessed for ourselvies the famous walmartians !!!!
We also went outlet shopping today and got some great deals at a van outlet shop
I have also started my applicantion for BYU !!! Which is very exciting :):)
Love and miss everyone x

I had trouble posting this post so its a few days old !! Sorry