Friday, May 31, 2013

a post from court

just to let you know we are all safe and well. We have left Seattle now and are on our own. we have just crossed 2 states in 2 days (Washington and Oregon) and are now at the north end Of California. we have had a great time over the past week the family we have been staying with have taken us to all sorts of locations . we  have been blessed with great people who have been looking after over the past few weeks. it is a little scary now that we are on our own but we are being adventurous and have bought a navigation system that tells us where to go at the right time. the people that we were staying with during the week have shown us how to get a couple of cheap hotels and at the end of the week so we are going to stay at an expensive hotel for a fraction of the price which has saved us alot of money but before then we are staying at caravan parks all sleeping in the van together which is a bit cramped but we are having fun and along the way we pick up bits and pieces that make it a little more comfortable so by the time we are finished the van is going to be  decked out and comfortable for everyone. we drove through the mountains today and some of the view's were amazing.
We head of to Disneyland and all the theme parks over the next we so we are all excited about that.
we are all missing you and the kids all say hi and hope you are all well

Court !!!

i will post some photos soon !!! love jazmin

Sunday, May 26, 2013

A busy day!

yesturday (saturday) i went out with friends while the rest of the family went on a hike.! I went to this festival called folk life! It was basically a hippie hemp fest but it was really cool!!! During that i meet back up with the fams and the mccombers and we went to the troll under the bride which is in 10things i hate about you and we went to the bubble gum wall!! Then we went ice block sledding on the hill that they roll down in 10things i hate about you ! The.view from the top of the hill we were sleading on was amazing !!! Rhys will post those later !!!

But a few days agao we saw some other thinga so ill post those photos to !! Ive seen some pretty water falls everything here is so beautiful!! Everythings green and lushes

I miss everyone back home! Holler so i know that your liking the blog !!!

Love jazz !

Twin falls

Today we went on a hike to twin falls where we saw beautiful views I hope you like them as much as we did 
Love Rhys !

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

our trip into seattle

yesturday we took a trip into seattle to do all the touristy things we brought a city pass and we went to the space needle, pacific science centre, and the aquirium :)
we also went to an arcade where to play a game it cost 0.50c to play and we went to pike st markets which was 4 storys high and an outside bit on the streets which was pretty long. we also explored in target and okd navy i brought a new lair of shoes !
it was an adventure finding the right bus to get back to the whites but in the end we did it !!! it was a challenge but we did it !!!
today i ditched the family and i helped one of ny new friends logan ask a girl to prom and we went out to dinner with the whites to say thankyou caleb ate so much that he puked ! tommorrow im going out with a girl name callie shes really nice and shes gonna show me parts of seattle ! which will be fun !

love you call back home and missing you !!


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Youth Dance

me and rhys went to a youth dance tonight in bellevue seattle!
there was way more people there but they where all really young the girls ive made friends with here are reallly nice!!!!! we went and and got frozen youghurt and rhys seemed like he was doing well with the ladies tomorrow where going to a stake conference :) i think that will be cool !!
we also went to costco today and i brought a 2kg things of jelly bellys for $15!

Saturday, May 18, 2013


were sitting in sydney airport waiting for our LA FLIGHT which dosent leave for 6hrs

caleb was in pain on decent, we all felt it abit but caleb was the worst !!!

Day 3

so it is day 3 for us here in the USA, the family we are staying with is reallly nice! last night i hanged out with a bunch of church members that are my age! they are reallly cool and there gonnna take out me out more often in the next 2 weeks! sorry for no photos blogspot ist working on my phone ! so as soon as i can i will post some photos ! oh and yesturday we went driving to Fred meyer and we got lost on the way home dad was driving and it got really hetic! but we are all good now!

love Jazmin

Thursday, May 16, 2013


We have arrived safely in the USA. at the moment we are all sitting around wating for our last flight to seattle.

i have written other post on our travel over here but my phone decided to spasm so ill try and work out that later

stay tuned for photos and other blogs!!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


where jetting off in like 5 hrs !!! its getting so nervous and excited !! x

Thursday, May 9, 2013

departing in less than a week

our adventure departs next wednesday at 5 to midnight from domestic airport we fly here to sydney, sydney to LA and then LA to seattle. in seattle we will be staying with some of aunty naomi friends so it gives us time to buy a car and such things
:) the adventure is nearly here !