Tuesday, May 21, 2013

our trip into seattle

yesturday we took a trip into seattle to do all the touristy things we brought a city pass and we went to the space needle, pacific science centre, and the aquirium :)
we also went to an arcade where to play a game it cost 0.50c to play and we went to pike st markets which was 4 storys high and an outside bit on the streets which was pretty long. we also explored in target and okd navy i brought a new lair of shoes !
it was an adventure finding the right bus to get back to the whites but in the end we did it !!! it was a challenge but we did it !!!
today i ditched the family and i helped one of ny new friends logan ask a girl to prom and we went out to dinner with the whites to say thankyou caleb ate so much that he puked ! tommorrow im going out with a girl name callie shes really nice and shes gonna show me parts of seattle ! which will be fun !

love you call back home and missing you !!


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